Thursday, February 4, 2010

I thought the Inspiration software was an innovative and interesting way to add creativity and organization to education. I think students can benefit from seeing the same idea in different presentation styles, as I am a visual learner myself. It is also important for the student to be able to learn computer skills, such as graphing, slide show presentation, and other general computer graphic skills for the modern day workplace. I liked the way a teacher could organize thought into flow charts or add color and pictures to differentiate ideas. This seems like it would be helpful in project organization, group projects, brainstorming as a class, and overall creativity. I think the customizable templates would be relevant to both students and teachers alike.

I think blogging makes best use of technology in the classroom. Not only does creative writing inspire individual thought, but blogging also creates a space for student to teacher or student to student interface. Students could help each other during writing with linking their pages together and responding to each other's blogs, as we are doing. It is also a way to evaluate quickly, and efficiently provide instant feedback to the writer. Students could collaborate, edit, ad revise each others' posts. I think using blogging as a journal or a lesson tool would be beneficial.

I had to give a speech over vital signs for a class last semester. I definitely knew the material better after I had prepared myself for the speech. Even after I gave the speech, I felt even more confident about the subject and easily tested over it soon after.

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